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Introducing Sou Fujimoto

Japanese Architect Sou Fujimoto Makes Waves with Innovative Designs

Introducing Sou Fujimoto

Sou Fujimoto is a renowned Japanese architect who has gained international acclaim for his groundbreaking and contemporary designs. Born in Hokkaido in 1971, he established his own firm, Sou. Fujimoto, in 1994 after graduating from the University of Tokyo.

Fujimoto's Architectural Legacy

Fujimoto has spearheaded a revolution in architecture, challenging traditional conventions and blurring the boundaries between public and private spaces. His exceptional residential and institutional projects showcase his innovative approach to design, combining functionality with aesthetic ingenuity. His portfolio includes numerous notable works, including:

  • House NA, a house infused with natural light and greenery
  • Musashino Art University Museum & Library, characterized by its honeycomb-like structure
  • Serpentine Pavilion, a temporary structure known for its ethereal qualities
